District Heating!
During our darkest and coldest months of the year we switch on our central heating and make our homes comfortable and cosy. Most times we heat our house with a traditional heater or boiler, however more and more alternatives are available. District Heating is a sensible alternative. Many towns already made or are making this option available.
The process
Heat from industrial processes is often considered a waste product. Luckily, we are more aware that heat has a value. In several District Heating projects where Kapp was involved, the heat source was of industrial origin. In all kind of processes waste heat is available, from chemical industry to machine builders, from recycling plant to brewery. The heat they consider a waste product can be used to heat another medium. Most of the time water is used to transport the valuable heat from source to user.

The project
Kapp cooperates in many of district heating projects. Heat exchangers from Kapp can be found anywhere in the network: Directly at the origin, where temperatures and pressures are the highest, you’re able to find our biggest and strongest heavy duty heat exchangers. This is the area where our expertise can make a big difference. Downstream we’ve supplied heat exchangers for heat transfer stations and at the end of the network, at the users premises – for example houses, companies, hospitals, greenhouses etc. – you’ll often find our (brazed) plate heat exchangers too.
The choice
Kapp has multiple years of experience when it comes to heat exchange and we did more than a few district heating projects already. Our wide range of heat exchangers ensure we’re always capable of finding the best fit to the situation. This makes us flexible for these kind of projects, as you can see all types of heat exchangers are being used. As we work with several manufacturers (our partners), and a range of heat exchangers, we have the advantage to be able to compare. For many clients in District Heating this was the main reason to contact us. They’re convinced they’ll get the best possible solution by consulting Kapp