Low pressure condenser for strawberry gardener
The Netherlands have a huge agricultural sector, we produce a lot of food for our own country and for export. The great thing about this sector is that the entrepreneurs are truly entrepreneurs. No months of research, but pay on the nail!
A gardener in Uden has invested in a new steam boiler. Where steam boilers used to run on natural gas until recently, this gardener has switched to biomass. This gardener produces his own electricity and heat for his greenhouse with the steam boiler.
For this project, carried out by Aquasteam – specialist in general steam supply in production processes, Kapp Nederland supplied the heat exchanger located between the steam system and the hot water system. We call this plate heat exchanger a Low Pressure Condenser. For the gardener, the heat exchanger ensures that the strawberries are exactly warm enough. The gardener is happy because he can grow his strawberries in an efficient and responsible way.
Various companies, each with their own speciality, thus ensure that we can enjoy tasty, fresh, sustainably produced, Dutch strawberries every day!